
Wednesday, 2 March 2016


To fathom the answer of a question of such immense proportion to Christianity, we need to first apprehend what a NAME is.

A name is a “MARK” used to distinguish, highlight, exalt or condemn and at the end monument something, somewhere or someone.

Now let me give you an example:

Take a person to an island and leave him there with all the supplies that he could need to survive. Would a lone man need his name? Who would call him by that name? No-one. Gradually but imminently his psychological affinity towards his name would decline proportionally.

Now let us repeat the same experiment with two persons. Over the years, they too would gradually feel the lack of necessity to associate the other person with a name and call or signal the other person with words like “Hey Ho etc.”
Repeating the same experiment with three or more persons changes everything. In the “three person” scenario, they would need to differentiate between “the other two”. To reduce confusion “the other two” would be assigned names.

Now here we see, the presence of at least three, conceives the urge for “NAME”.

From the scriptures, we know what importance the Name of Jesus holds but why, that is the reason for this article.

The name of Jesus was visibly silent yet prophetically present in the times of the Old Testament too.

The arrival of the Messiah (JESUS) served as HOPE to Israel.

Messiah (JESUS) was HOPE even before He had arrived physically.

When Jesus physically arrived, He gave all – LOVE and His works gave them FAITH (to all who believed).

When Jesus departed physically and ascended to Heaven, this FAITH in few, which was rooted in LOVE, when started spreading across the globe, gave birth to this Belief – Christianity.

So HOPE became LOVE and FAITH, which in turn gave rise to this BELIEF system.

Now what can be the two things common among these four attributes – “HOPE, LOVE, FAITH & BELIEF”? The two things, which are common, are –
1.    The name of JESUS “THE CHRIST.”
2.     The works of JESUS CHRIST.


Name is an embodiment of the Spirit and since God is Spirit (John 4:24) eventually the presence of Jesus encompasses the Whole Bible (Old and New Testament both).

Now once we have established that the name of Jesus is present across the Bible both visibly and concealedly (in a hidden manner), we can determine that the works of God are the works of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST; some in a physical state but many in a Divine (Spiritual) state.

There is one verse in the Bible, which relates the NAME OF JESUS with the WORKS OF JESUS. John 14:11 (Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.)

This verse gives us an option of either believing in the first case (Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me) or believing in the second case (or else believe me for the very works' sake) and does not intimidate us of alternative consequences, thus agreeing towards the same reward for believing in either options.

This means “Believing in the Name of Jesus” is similar to “Believing in the Works of Jesus”.

Conceive this: When we believe in the Name of Jesus Christ, we believe IN ALL HIS WORKS, IN ALL HIS CREATION, IN ALL HIS POWERS, IN ALL HIS EXSISTANCE AND ALL HIS HOLLINESS. The entire energy of the “Universe and Beyond” concentrates at one point – “THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST” and when we believe in this name, Miracles Happen.

Your friend in Jesus Christ,
Sandeep Vikash Hembrom.